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New Forestry Simulators, Training and Facilities in South Waikato

The forestry sector is a major force in the South Waikato economy, generating some 25% of the districts GDP. The district has a multi-pronged approach to forestry training, including the Trades Centre, Generation Training Program and Forestry Machine Simulators.With the forestry sectors increasing use of mechanised harvesting and technology, the need is for skilled trainees to shift quickly and safely into operating new types of equipment.The challenge for young people in the regions, particular...

December 1, 2022

Business Recolated to Located to South Waikato with the Help of SWIFT

WJM Profiles is a specialist machining business that relocated to the South Waikato with assistance from SWIFT.  The business specializes in high-quality technical profiles including picture frames, balustrade rails and colonial facia mouldings.   The previous premises were too small for the operations, customer inquiries and growth prospects.  By relocating the business provided a far greater space at a similar cost, is closer to suppliers and customers as well as a supply o...

November 1, 2022

South Waikato Trades Training Site Blessed by Raukawa

Construction of the new $14 million South Waikato Trades Training Centre in Tokoroa received the official blessing of Raukawa kaumātua Te Hapuku Rikiriki and Poihaere Barrett in a ceremony today attended by representatives from the district’s diverse cultures.Raukawa Charitable Trust Tumu Whakarae (General Manager) Maria Te Kanawa said it was a momentous occasion for the iwi to bless the site on the corner of State Highway 1 and Chambers St at the northern entrance to Tokoroa.“The Trades Tr...

October 1, 2022

Progress with the South Waikato Trades Training Centre

The new South Waikato Trades Training Centre is making strong progress with the funding contracts being signed to complete the $14m project.  Professional services firms have been appointed to undertake the next phases of design, engineering and cost management for the Centre.The project is being led by the South Waikato Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) in close liaison with Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology who will be the training provider.  The Centre was awarded a Government grant of...

September 1, 2022

Industry Training - A key focus for SWIFT

One of SWIFT’s key focus areas is facilitating specialised training for local businesses and industry.  SWIFT has funded over 60 participants through the Firestation Business Coaching programs for both start-ups, small businesses and those looking to accelerate growth.   Several of these businesses have gone on to employ further staff and expand their operations.The regional economic development agency, Te Waka, have the contract for delivery of the Regional Business Partner (RB...

August 1, 2022

Industry Training Works Offer Fit for Purpose Security Training

Industry Training Works (ITW) provides fit for purpose training to ensure the safety of companies and their teams.   ITW have specialist training sites in Kinleith and Kawerau, which have major fibre processing operations including Oji pulp mills, Norske Skog paper mills, CHH sawmill and plywood and Sequal lumber.  These sites are also serviced by a wide range of specialist contractors that help maintain and repair the mills as well as running major shutdowns and overhau...

July 1, 2022

A Place of Learning, Achievement and Enjoyment - Putāruru Community Garden

Established in 2016 by a group of passionate gardeners, the Garden is ‘a place of enjoyment, learning and achievement’.Through the support of Rangiura Home, the garden was originally sited in Scotia Glen Street. With the help of the South Waikato District Council, the Garden then relocated to its permanent home in Grey Street in 2018.Driven by a team of fifteen keen volunteers, the site provides produce for donation to the community, and an environment for teaching horticulture skills.With t...

June 1, 2022

New technologies and innovative products that reduce the environmental footprint of the dairy industry

The dairy sector is critical to New Zealand’s GDP, but it is also critical in the way that it affects the environment. There has been a huge focus over many years to reduce the environmental footprint of dairy and many successes on the board. One area that continues to be a significant focus is how to limit nitrogen leaching into waterways associated with cows’ urine. New technologies, as well as innovative new products that can minimise the impact of leaching offer enormous value....

May 1, 2022

Fast Tracking Success for Cougar Mountain Bike Park

Mountain biking is a growth sport – not only in New Zealand but across the world. By providing the benefit of cycling with the excitement of off-road single tracks, through both plantation and native forests, mountain biking is a bonus for tourism and recreation. Forestry companies that partner with local communities and provide access to their forestry landholding build positive relationships that also work to fulfill some of the requirements under FSC certification. A win-win for business an...

April 1, 2022

Expanding the Increasingly Popular Waikato River Trails

Expanding the Waikato River Trails, with their growing profile and popularity, by linking to other trails and activities in the area is an attractive proposition. Increasing the flow of visitors to the area for recreational activity would provide a major boost to retailers – particularly food-oriented businesses.The rail corridor between Putāruru and Rotorua was closed to heavy rail 20 years ago. The route held commercial opportunity but only if it could be accessed cost efficiently and devel...

March 1, 2022

Building Pride and a Sense of Belonging - Jim Barnett Reserve

Providing well presented information about a region’s history and significance builds pride and a sense of belonging. In a regional context encouraging visitors and locals to visit and learn about some of the more curious beliefs and challenges along with the leaders that influenced events can promote a days outing where the past can come to life and make a new generation all the wiser....

February 1, 2022

Turning a Waste Problem into Job Opportunities

Waste is a problem across New Zealand but in South Waikato two forms of waste have now become profitable upcycling, recycling and job creation schemes fronted by the South Waikato Achievement Trust.With investment from the South Waikato Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) a bold vision to transform waste streams while creating work opportunities for people with disabilities or needing support became a reality....

January 31, 2022 Posts 26-37 of 37 | Page prev